Who Will You Vote For on Oct 19th? Wait...That's Not the Important Question

The more important question is...

Are you voting on October 19th?

Inky Mark - Independent
Kate Storey - Green Party
Robert Sopuck - Conservative
Ray Piche - Liberal
Laverne Lewycky - NDP

These are your choices this year.

If you're answer is

  • I don't vote
  • I don't care
  • I don't have time
  • They're all evil
think about this...

NOT voting, NOT making a choice, NOT finding time could result in someone you really don't like being in power over decisions when you could  have had a say.  

I've Never Voted

I confess, I've never vote before.  Not once in my 27 years of being allowed to vote (and really, this is a privilege!) have I ever voted. I used all the excuses above.

But somewhere in  my brain, it clicked this year.

It's my duty and right to vote and make a choice for who I want to represent not only the area I live in, but more importantly, my country.

Why Am I Voting This Year?

This year, I want to at least try to have some influence.  I want my voice to be heard.  And that won't happen if I don't at least get out there and have my say.

This year, I cannot complain about how lower income families get screwed.  I can't complain about how certain groups interests don't get hear. I can't complain about how badly the politicians are screwing up my country.  Not if I don't vote.


Did you know that this is the percent of people in our country that don't vote?  

That means that only 61% of the people in our country are making the decision for the other 39% - you - the one that doesn't vote.  You're putting the fate of your future, our future, into other people's hands.  You're giving what power you do have to other people simple because you don't vote, don't have time, can't be bothered.

So, I encourage you, if you've never voted before, learn about the process.  I am.  I don't know how I suddenly got so passionate about this but it's really a big thing to me this year. I even listed to the debate last night. Ok, I lied.  I read the crib notes from Twitter and the CBC live updates.  But I'm trying.

Oh, and remember...

...although the names you see above are the people you have to vote on HERE in the Swan Valley, ultimately, your vote decides who is going to be in the ultimate power - who is going to be our Prime Minister.  And that's huge.